Homework Guidelines
Children will be given homework each week in accordance within the following guidelines. All children are expected to read to an adult (or to discuss their independent reading if they are confident readers in the older classes) at least four times a week. Younger children (and those still having daily phonics lessons) should also practise their sounds and the high frequency words matched to the book that they are reading.
All children in years two to six are given a half-termly homework grid that includes a range of learning activities; children are expected to select one, or more, task to complete at home. Teachers set homework linked to the work that children have been doing in class; the aim of the task may be to introduce something new or to consolidate / extend the learning that they have been doing. In most cases children should be able to complete the task independently, although they will benefit from being able to talk through what they are going to do with an adult; younger children may need more support. Children in year six may also be given a piece of separate homework to be completed on a weekly basis.
Teachers in our year one and Reception classes provide weekly suggestions of home learning activities that the children can do linked to the learning that they have been doing in class. These can then be shared via Tapestry with their teacher so that they can talk about them in class.
In addition to this some children may be given additional homework tasks to support their individual learning targets, this may include spending time on Sumdog (our online maths programme used by children in years two to six) or Nessy (an online spelling programme).
If your child is unsure of how to complete the tasks set, or seems unsure of what to do, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher. We would much rather you talked to us than have homework battles!