

Good attendance in school is essential to ensure that children are able to achieve their potential. Every day really does count. Children who miss large amounts of school often find it difficult to catch up on the work they have missed and miss out on the social side of school. Evidence clearly shows that children whose attendance is below 90% (ie they miss 19 days or more in a school year) attain lower than those who have good attendance .

Changes to the law mean that Headteachers are only able to authorise absence from school if exceptional circumstamces apply to the request. There is no entitlement to family holidays during term time. Examples of exceptional circumstances for leave of absence may include a close family funeral, a family holiday before a parent goes abroad for a period of military service or attendance at a graduation ceremony. Pupil absence due to genuine illness, medical appointments (that cannot be taken out of school time) or religious observance will be authorised.

Parents wishing to withdraw their child from school during term time should complete a 'Request for absence during term time' form. If the absence has not been authorised and parents still chose to withdrawn their child, they may be issued with a fixed penalty warning notice of £60, per parent, per child by the Local Authority.

Copies of our Absence Request form can be obtained from the school office or by clicking here.

Parents should also remind themselves of the information provided in this letter, before making an application for a leave of absence - Attendance letter Sep 2023.pdf

A copy of our Attendance Policy can also be found here.