Pupil Premium Monies


Each year schools receive monies through the Pupil Premium Grant to support schools in meeting the needs of pupils who may be more vulnerable than others (due to their family circumstances). This includes children who are entitled to free school meals, children who are looked after and service children (children whose parents are in the armed forces).

All schools are required to publish how they have used their Pupil Premium Grant. Please click on the link below to see how we have used our Pupil Premium monies.


EHPS Pupil Premium Statement 2021 2022.pdf

 Pupil Premium 2020 2021.pdf

Pupil premium 2019 2020.pdf






Sports Premium Monies


Schools also receive monies through the PE and sports premium funding to develop pupils' attainment in PE and participation in  sporting activities. 

Please click on the link below to see more details of how this money has been allocated this year and previous years' expenditure and outcomes.  


EHPS Sports Premium Spending 2022 - 2023

EHPS Sports Premium Spending 2021 - 2022.pdf

EHPS Sports Premium Monies 2020- 2021


Pupil Premium Monies


Each year schools receive monies through the Pupil Premium Grant to support schools in meeting the needs of pupils who may be more vulnerable than others (due to their family circumstances). This includes children who are entitled to free school meals, children who are looked after and service children (children whose parents are in the armed forces).

All schools are required to publish how they have used their Pupil Premium Grant. Please click on the link below to see how we have used our Pupil Premium monies.


EHPS Pupil Premium Statement 2021 2022.pdf

 Pupil Premium 2020 2021.pdf

Pupil premium 2019 2020.pdf






Sports Premium Monies


Schools also receive monies through the PE and sports premium funding to develop pupils' attainment in PE and participation in  sporting activities. 

Please click on the link below to see more details of how this money has been allocated this year and previous years' expenditure and outcomes.  


EHPS Sports Premium Spending 2022 - 2023

EHPS Sports Premium Spending 2021 - 2022.pdf

EHPS Sports Premium Monies 2020- 2021


Pupil Premium Monies


Each year schools receive monies through the Pupil Premium Grant to support schools in meeting the needs of pupils who may be more vulnerable than others (due to their family circumstances). This includes children who are entitled to free school meals, children who are looked after and service children (children whose parents are in the armed forces).

All schools are required to publish how they have used their Pupil Premium Grant. Please click on the link below to see how we have used our Pupil Premium monies.


EHPS Pupil Premium Statement 2021 2022.pdf

 Pupil Premium 2020 2021.pdf

Pupil premium 2019 2020.pdf






Sports Premium Monies


Schools also receive monies through the PE and sports premium funding to develop pupils' attainment in PE and participation in  sporting activities. 

Please click on the link below to see more details of how this money has been allocated this year and previous years' expenditure and outcomes.  


EHPS Sports Premium Spending 2022 - 2023

EHPS Sports Premium Spending 2021 - 2022.pdf

EHPS Sports Premium Monies 2020- 2021